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Bank of Brazil Contest 2023; see how to apply


The 6 open office vacancies are distributed, with 4 to be filled immediately and the 2 for registration of reservations. 

Find out how PIS 2023 will be paid

Vacancies are open throughout Brazil and to apply, you just need to have high school and be at least 18 years old. 

Understand how vacancies are distributed:

  1. 2.000 immediate vacancies for the Commercial area, with another 1.000 for reserve registration;
  2. 2.000 immediate vacancies for the Technology area, with another 1.000 for reserve registration;

 Registration and proof

For registration, payment of R$50,00 is required. 

And for fee exemption, those who are entitled to make the request are people enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), those who are low-income family members and bone marrow donors. 

It is worth noting that registrations are open until February 24, 2023, through the Cesgranrio Foundation page (cesgranrio.org.br).

The forecast for applying the tests is on April 23, 2023. The questions will be objective and will also have the wording. 

Salary and benefits. 

The initial remuneration is BRL 3.622,23, because the salary of a Banco do Brasil employee was readjusted in September 2022. 


As for the workday, it is 30 hours a week and pays R$ 1.014,42 for food allowance/meal, plus a food basket of R$ 799,38.

Once approved in the contest, the selected person can also count on the participation of other benefits, such as: transportation vouchers, day care assistance; aid for children with disabilities, supplementary pension plan, access to health plan, basic dental plan and education and training programs.

Seats reserved for people with disabilities (PCD)

  1. Vacancies for PCDs: 5% of vacancies are reserved for PCDs (Persons with Disabilities), according to Banco do Brasil;
  2. Vacancies for Blacks: 20% of immediate vacancies for self-declared blacks and 20% for reserve registration, provided for in the announcement.

Bank of Brazil Contest: Stages

The Banco do Brasil public tender will have the following stages, check it out:

  1. 1st stage: objective test; 
  2. 2nd stage: discursive test.

test structure

As mentioned above, the test will have two formats:

Objective questions in multiple choice format and each question will present 5 alternatives (A; B; C; D and E) and one of them is the correct answer. 

After the first stage, candidates will be classified by micro-region, macro-region/UF and according to the total points obtained in the disciplines. 

To find out if you have obtained a good performance, the suggestion is to be aware that those who have a grade lower than 50% of the total score of the group of objective tests, performance lower than 50% in Basic Knowledge or lower than 50% in the Specific part.


And the other part of the test is in the discursive format, that is, it will have an essay that is organized in the form of a prose text of the dissertation-argumentative type. She will be worth 100 points and elimination.

A ZERO grade will be awarded to the Candidate's Writing if:

  • Escape from the type of essay in prose-argumentative prose;
  • Not working on the proposed theme;
  • Present text in a non-verbally articulated form in Portuguese;
  • Sign and/or present any sign that, in any way, allows the identification of the candidate;
  • Writing in pencil, in part or all of the writing.

Note: the candidate who obtains a score of less than 70,0 points in the writing test will be eliminated.

of the result

The forecast for the result to come out is on July 14, 2023, after the approval of the contest, the selection is valid for one year, postponable for the same period.

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