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How to buy a car with 30% off


Getting to buy a car nowadays can be a very complex task, given the prices they are.

But some tips before buying your own car can help a lot at the time of purchase.

That's because there is a way to get a car at 30% off. Want to find out what it is? Continue reading this article.


How to get discount buying car?

Buying a car can be a significant expense, so it's always a good idea to look for ways to save money. Here are some tips for getting a discount on a car purchase:

Do your research Before you start negotiating with a dealership, do some research on the car you want to buy. Look for the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) and compare prices from different dealerships to get an idea of ​​what a fair price is.

Another interesting point is to negotiate the price, when you are ready to buy, negotiate the price with the dealership. Be firm but polite, and don't be afraid to walk away if the dealership isn't willing to accept your price.


Also consider if the time is right to buy cars, car dealerships often offer discounts and promotions at the end of the month, quarter or year to meet sales targets. You may get a better deal if you time your purchase around this schedule.

Many car manufacturers offer rebates, discounts, or other incentives to encourage sales. Check the manufacturer's website or ask the seller about any available incentives and look for discounts and incentives.

If you need to finance your car purchase, research the best interest rates and loan terms. A lower interest rate can help you save money over the life of the loan. Consider financing options to enhance the sale.

If you have a car to trade in, it can be used to your advantage to negotiate a lower price on the new car. Do some research to find out the value of your car before going to the dealership.

Generally speaking, getting a discount on a car purchase requires research, negotiation skills, and patience. Be prepared to research and negotiate to get the best possible price.

Learn more:


Who is entitled to the 30% discount on car purchases?

Generally, a PCD car may be able to receive tax exemption as:

  • IPI
  • ICMS 
  • IPVA

This can represent a reduction of up to 30% in the total value of the car in question, so if the person has some kind of special condition that ends up making it difficult for them to move around, it is a good option to buy a car.

Can MEI get a discount on car purchases?

Yes, everyone who owns an open company in the MEI style can get the discount.

That is, if the person has an Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI) record, they may be able to buy a car with up to 30% discount, since the ICMS exemption for direct sales will operate in this area.
