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Free dental implants in Italy


Nowadays it is possible to find free dental implants in Italy, which a few years ago was not possible.

For those people who live in Brazil, they know that using SUS is very simple, but what if the person lives in another country and does not have this assistance?

health in Italy

In Italy, the healthcare system is based on a public insurance system, known as Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), which provides basic healthcare coverage for Italian citizens and legal residents. 


The SSN generally covers essential dental procedures such as exams and extractions, but there may be limitations and co-payments for more complex treatments such as dental implants. 

It is important to note that specific coverage details may vary depending on region and individual health plan. 

It is recommended that you contact your local SSN or dentist for up-to-date information on covered dental services.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are screw- or cylinder-shaped metal structures that are inserted into the jaw or jaw bone to replace the root of a missing tooth. 

They serve as a solid base for the fixation of dental prostheses, such as crowns, bridges or dentures, providing patients with a functional and aesthetic restoration.


The dental implant process usually involves several steps. First, a detailed assessment of the patient is performed, including X-ray and CT scans, to determine the amount and quality of bone available for implant placement. 

Surgery is then performed to insert the implant into the bone, usually under local anesthesia. 

After surgery, a period of healing is required, known as osseointegration, in which the bone around the implant grows and fuses with it, creating a stable base.

Once osseointegration has occurred, a second surgery is performed to expose the implant, where a small component called an abutment or connector is placed. This pillar serves as a support for the dental prosthesis, which is customized to fit the patient's mouth. 

After the prosthesis is fixed, the patient can enjoy the functional and aesthetic benefits of the dental implant.

Dental implants offer several advantages over other options for replacing missing teeth, such as removable dentures or fixed bridges. 


They provide greater stability and comfort when eating and talking, as well as stimulating the bone, helping to prevent bone resorption that occurs after tooth loss. Implants also have a natural appearance and can significantly improve a patient's self-confidence and quality of life.

It is important to emphasize that the success of the dental implant depends on several factors, such as the patient's oral health, the quantity and quality of the available bone and the skill of the implant dentist. 

Each case is unique, and it is recommended to consult a dentist specializing in dental implants for an individualized evaluation and an appropriate treatment plan.

How to get a dental implant in Italy?

Nowadays there is the possibility of getting free dental implants in Italy and for that, it is not necessary to wait for years and years.

All one needs to do is go to a dentist appointment at a government-assisted private or public clinic and see if there really is a need for such implementation.

If so, the dentist will make the referral personally.
