Diabetes It is a disease chronicle which appears when the level of glucose (sugar) in an individual's blood exceeds the levels established as normal.

Diabetes originates when it insulin (natural hormone of the body) which is produced only in the pancreas and is insufficient; therefore, it causes him to excess glucose in the blood.

During the course of the time, the consequences can be seen to become more and more dangerous, from serious damage to:





The same way the healing of the heridases in the skin get slower as well as the care gets more special.

There are two types of diabetes:

Type 1 as also Type 2

the type 2 it's the most common. Since the course of time has increased, specifically affecting adults, it occurs when the body generates insulin resistance or the pancreas does not produce enough against the glucose found in the body.

 The difference with the type 1, is that in this case the diabetics become dependent on the insulin injections On a daily basis, they are diabetics and do not produce any insulin, which is very rare.

The diabetes is manifested in the body with several symptom depending on what type is the person suffering, it is type 1 or type 2. In the case of type 1 the symptoms can start with:

Very thirsty

frequent urination

Feeling mucha hambre as well as excessive tiredness

Weight loss for no apparent reason

Very dry skin, as well as picazón.

In the case of type 2 diabetes, it is possible to add to the mentioned symptoms blurred vision, frequent infections, sores on the skin that take a long time to heal.

According to WHO the number of people with diabetes has multiplied four by four since 1980, the International Diabetes Federation (FND) estimates that by the year 2040, more than 600 million people will suffer from this disease worldwide

With the course of time medicine accomplished a lot advances to be able to have a better life tailored having as a diagnosis independent diabetes of the type, together with the technology several applications were carried out to help diabetics to have a financial additional.

Among the applications found on Google Play are Diabetes: M https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mydiabetes the one that is one of the most famous ones and the one that performs pursuit a la glucosa en la sangre de manera sercilla.

Diabetes: M It allows you to create a personal profile where, as the days go by, you load the data on your glucose, among other factors that influence such as diet, so you also have the option of putting an alarm to have a warning to carry out controls or the consumption of medicines correctly, as well as the daily injection of insulin.

Among its facilities there is the option of download a record on the data entered, such as the evolution of your health, the stability of diabetes on a daily basis as well as monthly, metabolic control and the total amount of insulin used daily.

With all the information obtained, the application makes it possible to carry out a report From the charts on glucose indices, by category, before and after eating, a report with details of the last 24 hours, in addition to all the points mentioned above.

All of it serves to have a better panorama on the stability of the glucose in the blood. Also, it is considered a valid report to present to your trusted doctor for better attention and follow-up of the illness.

Written by

Rafael Melo Almeida

My name is Rafael Melo Almeida, and I have a passion for unraveling the intriguing universe of apps through my writing. My words explore the connection between technology and storytelling, translating complex concepts into engaging stories. With each post I create, I take a journey of exploration, inviting readers to enter the vast digital landscape with a curious eye. My mission is to share knowledge, stimulate reflection and establish connections through the words I choose carefully.