To ensure peace of mind when unforeseen events occur on a trip, travel insurance is the best alternative for tourists.

| See how to hire the best travel insurance company |

With insurance you avoid many surprises and headaches that are not necessary.


For example, in case of lost luggage, what do you do?

Instead of worrying about what you're going to do or who you need to talk to, in addition to being completely lost inside the airport because it's a new place for you, just call your insurance company and tell them what happened.

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Once this is done, who needs to do all the procedures will be the travel insurance company that was contracted.

The problem for the vast majority of tourists is that this insurance is often expensive.

So today you'll find out what the true price of travel insurance is, which company to hire and if it's really worth it. 

What is the average travel insurance? 

Basically, to know the value of travel insurance, just look at the duration and destination of your trip. Once this is done, you can calculate a basis of how much the value of this service will be.

Generally, older tourists are the ones most charged in this matter, since the older they are, the more the person needs a hospital and the greater the risks to their lives.

But that's exactly when you'll need insurance the most.

The average value of travel insurance can range from R$378 to R$828, for example.

It all depends on the plan you choose.

Of course, there are very expensive options with many extra services, but they are not always necessary. 

Learn more: 

  • Travel insurance: Real SV 
  • Travel insurance: Allianz Travel
  • Travel insurance: Assistcard

Factors influencing the price of travel insurance

As previously mentioned, there are some factors that can directly influence the total value of travel insurance.

Some of them are, obviously, the destination and the number of days the tourist will stay there.


But others might not be as obvious as people think.

See the list below to find out:

  • preexisting disease
  • Number of people insured
  • Types of protection and coverage
  • Style of travel (such as playing sports)

Basic travel insurance coverage

Even though there are several options for coverage in travel insurance, you need to be aware when it comes to what types of coverage you will gain.

In a basic plan, it should contain:

  • Medical expenses
  • hospital expenses
  • dental expenses 
  • unforeseen events with luggage 
  • unforeseen events with flights
  • transfers
  • Disability 
  • Death

Extra coverage can be added according to the company you choose.

Why buy travel insurance? 

Even though it is very difficult to actually need travel insurance, it is essential that everyone buy this service before any trip, as we are never completely free from an accident.

We always hope not to need to trigger insurance, but unfortunately this is not always possible.

Furthermore, in addition to trips made within Brazil, countries demand that all tourists from other countries have some type of travel insurance service to prevent serious problems that cannot be resolved.

This hiring is good to avoid surprises and headaches during the trip, so you can only worry about having fun and enjoying the trip instead of worrying about accidents and how you will pay for a medicine that you may need.

That's why it's important to take out quality travel insurance on all your trips.


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Written by

Rafael Melo Almeida

My name is Rafael Melo Almeida, and I have a passion for unraveling the intriguing universe of apps through my writing. My words explore the connection between technology and storytelling, translating complex concepts into engaging stories. With each post I create, I take a journey of exploration, inviting readers to enter the vast digital landscape with a curious eye. My mission is to share knowledge, stimulate reflection and establish connections through the words I choose carefully.